The answer to this multibillion-dollar question may include luck, divine will, Google founders’ Larry Page and Sergey Brin’s combined geniuses, and even black magic. Kidding aside, believe it or not, everybody currently working at Google attributes the company’s success to their principles. In other words, they believe they’ve become successful by learning as much as possible and keeping close to their hearts the lessons that are serving them well.
What good does this do for you? Well, for starters, we believe you can apply to your life the [thirstylink linkid=”13207″ linktext=”things Google has learned” title=”things Google has learned“]—especially the crucial ones—in order to improve your overall well-being. To save you from the chore of having to sift through the lessons in order to gain the knowledge applicable to your life, here are some of them that we believe are the most crucial:
Do No Harm
When they founded their company, Page and Brin made sure to let everybody know that they weren’t “evil.” They weren’t going to step on anybody’s toes, screw their underlings or prospective co-workers and customers, nor amass by any means necessary as much wealth and power as possible. In a nutshell, they were just going to turn their vision of ‘search technology’ into reality. Surprisingly, they were able to succeed without hurting anybody in the process. Page and Brin had told the truth. Learn from their example and we assure you, you can be successful. For instance, if you do your best to honestly make genuine, mutually beneficial relationships with the people around you and maintain these relationships, you’ll receive a lot of aid, which significantly increases your chances at success.
Always Provide the Best User Experience Possible
Successfully creating the best search engine wasn’t enough for Page and Brin; they also made it the fastest-loading, neatest, and most influential site in terms of ads. Evidently, Page and Brin knew that they had to provide their users with the best service in order to succeed. It’s unlikely you’ve a site like Google, but whether you’re a student, a hot dog vendor, or the CEO of a Forbes 500 company, you can strive to work as hard and as well as Page and Brin do. Do so and we assure you, great improvements will occur in your life. If you’re a student, we suggest you study one hour more than usual with a tutor. If you’re a hot dog vendor, we suggest selling the tastiest hot dogs you can find. If you’re the CEO of a Forbes 500 company, we suggest figuring out how your staff can have more time to enjoy themselves without diminishing the quality of their work. Your grades are sure to dramatically improve if you study one hour more than usual with a tutor. Your customer base will grow and become loyal to you if you sell the tastiest hot dogs you can find. Your staff will be able to produce better-quality work if they have more time to enjoy themselves.
You Can Always Use Even More Information
As a search-technology company, Google does its best to provide users with as much information as possible. This includes hard-to-acquire information. To stay ahead of the game, the company has to continuously come up with new and better ways of acquiring information. At the speed at which information is created and shared online, this sounds like a superhuman feat. But Google manages to do so daily. You don’t have to be a site as powerful as Google in order to learn as much as possible. For example, by spending at least one hour every day to read the latest news, you learn something new daily. The more knowledge you gain, the more things you can do, the sharper your decision-making becomes, and the more self-confident you’ll be.
There’s something you can learn from everything around you, including the things you think have no relation to your life. Indeed, having explained to you the three things Google has learned that were crucial in their success, we have much to learn from one another, and it’s likely we’ll realize that those lessons are surprisingly simple yet have the most profound effects.