I started yesterday and was pleasantly surprised that I didn’t feel bad letting go of stuff I had been keeping since my grade school days! I mean, I can probably keep some mementos from those times, but I didn’t need to keep every single notebook or exam paper from way back then! The pile quickly shrunk as I got rid of old letters; I did save stamps, as I wanted to continue my grandmother’s stamp collection. I threw away some flyers and travel brochures from many years back, as I know most of them I can easily pull up online. The same goes for anything that has information I’m keeping that I can find online anyway.
From 6 boxes, I was able to downsize it to 3 small ones! (Imagine my delight). And one of those 3 boxes is just full of photos and negatives, which I plan to pare down as well as soon as I get the chance.
The 2 big pieces of luggage full of clothes also needs sorting. I can donate clothes that are out of fashion and rarely used. I plan to downsize to only 1 piece of luggage of extra clothes. I gave away stuff to a cousin who has 3 kids and a newborn; she gladly took a walker and a high chair, which will be put to good use according to her.
I haven’t finished yet, but with just 2 days since I started, I already feel like I accomplished so much. I feel so much lighter, like a big weight has been lifted off of me. Initially, I gave myself a month to finish this downsizing project, thinking that it’ll take me that much time to let go of all my stuff, but now, at the rate I’m going, I feel like I can finish everything within a week.
Hopefully this story will inspire you to start your own downsizing project. It’s not as hard as you think it is. If you don’t know how to organize your life and get rid of clutter, do this first: prepare yourself mentally to release and let go of stuff. Once you’ve this attitude in place, everything else will be a breeze.