Although having pimples or acne is something that is considered critical, it still requires special attention from you, as the more you ignore it, the less likely your forehead acne will go away.
There are tons of tricks and advice that tell you how to get rid of your forehead acne. And because there are just so many remedies out there, I’m sure you might end up overwhelmed and just give up altogether.
The good news is if you’re looking for easy and quick ways to get rid of your forehead acne, I have collected some that have been proven to work and work fast on those ugly pimples.
Read on to find out.
- Yes, ice doesn’t just enhance your thirst quencher drink. It can do something for your inflamed pimples, too! To get rid of your irritating forehead acne and keep it from swelling more, apply some ice onto to the affected area. Remember to make sure you’ve washed your face and your forehead to get rid of the dirt that gets accumulated on your pores. Use either iced cubes or crushed ice wrapped in a clean piece of cloth. The cold that oozes from the ice will help relieve the swelling and reduce the appearance of your acne.
- If you’ve never heard of garlic as a cure to get rid of forehead acne, now you know it can be used for your acne woes. Garlic can help get rid of pimple issues by giving you the antibacterial, antioxidant, and antiseptic effects that it contains. If you want to know how to use garlic to get rid of your acne, all you need to do is cut a clove into two pieces and simply rub them over areas affected by acne. Leave it on for a few minutes so your skin can absorb those powerful elements that heal your pimples.
- Another way to get rid of your annoying forehead acne is to make use of one thing you also use on a daily basis – toothpaste. Take note: the white kind should work regardless of the brand. This has a quick-dry effect on those ugly pimples and will work its magic. How do you do it? Very simple. Before you go to bed at night, apply white toothpaste onto the area affected by acne. Just dab a little toothpaste and leave it overnight. When you wake up in the morning, simply wash it off and you’ll see how effective it is.
- They say, “If life gives you lemons, make some lemonade.” Or better yet, use those lemons as your acne first aid. Lemons are packed with Vitamin C, which can do a whole bunch of good stuff to the body. When we talk about acne, it can do great things for that too. The fresh juice from lemons can help get rid of your forehead acne by drying it up and reducing the swelling. Apply some fresh lemon juice onto the affected area of your face. Leave it on for a few minutes and wash it off with warm water. If you don’t have sensitive skin, you can leave it overnight and be amazed at the results you’ll see in the morning.
- Apple Cider. If you’ve some of this in your kitchen, then you’re looking at another amazing quick fix for your acne problems. Apple cider is great at killing bacteria that gets stuck on your skin while it restores the balance of acidity. Simply mix equal parts of apple cider and water. Use a piece of cotton and dip it in the mixture. Dab the cotton onto the affected area and leave it on for a few minutes. Once it has dried out, you can rinse off your face with warm water and enjoy the effect it has on your acne.
If you’ve tried every medication you’ve been offered but you’re still battling with acne issues, especially on your forehead, try any of these quick fixes and you’ll be amazed at how effective these are at getting rid of your forehead acne. What are you waiting for?
How to Tame your Embarrassing Forehead Acne
When you look at yourself, do you wonder why pimples and acne seem to have called your forehead their “home” since what feels like forever? I can totally relate.
The forehead is apparently one of the most common areas on your face where acne can emerge and inhabit. If you’re wondering how you can come up with remedies to get rid of your forehead acne, here are several reasons why acne loves your forehead:
- Your forehead is part of the “T-zone” on your face. This is the area that produces more oil than the rest of the face. This means your forehead is prone to getting clogged pores due to excessive oil production.
- Just so you know, what you put on your hair can aggravate your acne issue.
- Dirty and oily hair and scalp can have a great impact on the amount of pimples that reside on your forehead.
- Studies show that digestive problems can also cause acne to appear on your forehead.
- Unhealthy lifestyle and stress.
The list can go on. But if you look at the ones stated above, you’ll find out that these are some of the basic things you need to address if you want to get rid of your forehead acne. So if you’re ready to say goodbye to those annoying and embarrassing zits that dwell on your forehead, here are some simple tips that will help you.
- Now that you know that your forehead produces more oil than some of the parts of your face, it’s important to cleanse your face, paying special attention to the forehead and the rest of the T-zone. Make it a daily habit to wash and properly clean your face if you want to get rid of forehead acne. Don’t overdo it, and never scrub your forehead, as that can just irritate it more than it already is.
- If you love taking a shower and washing your hair, you might want to be mindful of the products that you use. Yes, harsh elements found in your hair care products can drip off your hair down to your forehead and infuriate your forehead residents, causing them to break out even more. Knowing what you’re putting on your hair can definitely help get rid of acne. So wash your hair, daily if you must; just make sure you use gentle products that will rid your scalp of those accumulated bacteria without getting rid of the natural oils that you need.
- You should not be surprised that your forehead acne can be caused by some digestive problems that you have. If you’re loading up on foods that fill you up with all kinds of junk, then you’re definitely causing the acne to breakout on your forehead. If you want to get rid of forehead acne or even just acne anywhere on your face, then start with a healthy diet. Keep yourself hydrated and don’t neglect your vegetables and fruits – every single day.
- Last and certainly not the least, relax. You have been stressing so much over work, household chores, more work, bills, and everything else. You deserve to take a break from all this stress that causes your acne to stay longer on your face. Do some relaxing yoga. Treat yourself to a nice spa. And before you know it, you’ve gotten rid of the stress and that pesky forehead acne!
Yes, you’ve hope. You don’t have to live your life covering up those nasty marks on your forehead. You don’t have to break your bank either just to get a solution. Go ahead and start with any of these tips that are proven to tame and help you get rid of those unwanted forehead blemishes.
Nature’s Acne Healing Wonders
Your forehead is one of the most common areas that can be affected by acne. And for those who’ve been suffering from acne issues, you probably know how difficult it’s to have to go through a myriad of treatments just to get rid of your forehead acne. If you’re sick and tired of investing on chemicals, lotions, creams, serums, and other treatments that are slowly eating up your savings but are hardly making any improvement on your skin condition, then it’s time for a change. Why spend so much when you can turn to what nature has to offer? Cheap but very effective. Are you up for this challenge?
Coconut oil
If your skin is prone to acne, natural coconut oil can be the solution you’ve always been looking for. Derived from the coconut’s flesh, coconut oil is packed with lauric and capric acid, which have anti-fungal, antibacterial, and anti-viral properties – great for treating and getting rid of forehead acne. Because natural coconut oil usually comes in a solid form, it requires you to dissolve it using the heat of your hands or fingers. On a clean face, apply coconut oil using a circular motion. Leave it on for the skin to absorb all the goodness it offers.
Banana peel
Really? Yes, really. Before you throw the banana peel in the trash bin, you can actually use it first to help get rid of your acne. Believe it or not, the banana peel has a better purpose than waiting for a friend to step on it and land on his behind so you can get a good laugh. If you’re not aware, the banana peel contains lutein, which is a very potent antioxidant. When rubbed on any acne-affected area of the face, the lutein works by reducing the inflammation and redness of your acne while promoting growth of healthy cells.
Mint leaves
Some people love mint on their tea. Some love it on their face. Good for them. You see, mint leaves contain anti-inflammatory properties that can bring the swelling and redness of your acne down a notch. It’s also a natural pain killer, which can help get rid of the irritation and discomfort that is brought about by your acne. Indeed, a handful of crushed fresh mint leaves rubbed on your forehead can make a difference. Though it won’t necessarily get rid of forehead acne, it’ll definitely make it easier for you to endure acne. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and rinse off with cold water. Inflammation and redness are sure to go down the drain.
The humble tomato can bring about amazing results for your quest to get rid of acne. Taken internally, tomatoes can promote healthy skin by cutting down the free radicals absorbed by the body. As a remedy for your forehead acne, simply apply tomato paste (done by simply using a blender to achieve a pasty consistency) and leave it on for about 15 minutes. The antioxidants found in tomatoes will help get rid of the bacteria that causes forehead acne.
Mother Nature can offer a whole range of remedies that you can also depend on to help get rid of your forehead acne. Try these simple remedies and be amazed at how nature offers its healing wonders!
Having acne on your forehead can be the sole reason why you’re stuck at home and being so dramatic and overly sensitive about your physical appearance. Let’s face it; acne can do that and a lot more to you. But before you get yourself locked up in your room, know that there are thousands of remedies out there that can actually get rid of forehead acne and all other issues related to your acne. To make your life a little less stressful, we have compiled some of the tried and proven home remedies that are sure to get rid of forehead acne. Are you ready? Go ahead and read on.
Lemons are famous in the world of beauty. Wonder why? Well, it’s because of the amazing contents and nutrients that offer a wide range of solutions to your beauty problems. For acne, lemons can do a great deal in terms of getting rid of forehead acne. The anti-inflammation and antibacterial properties found in lemons can greatly reduce your acne. By applying lemon juice on your forehead once or twice a day, you’ll see a considerable amount of change to your acne problems.
Baking Soda
Baking soda and water make up a great team that promises to get rid of forehead acne Baking soda contains antibacterial elements that will surely target those germs that cause pimples and acne. Make a paste of baking soda and water and gently rub that over the affected area. After a few minutes, wash your face and rinse with warm water.
Fenugreek leaves
If you’ve never tried fenugreek leaves, then this is your chance to use it. Crush some fenugreek leaves until it forms a pasty mixture. Simply apply the mixture onto your forehead or any part of your face affected by acne. To get rid of forehead acne and maximize the effects of fenugreek on your skin, leave it on overnight. When you wake up the next morning, just rinse it off with warm water. The fenugreek mask should have already prevented the spread of bacteria and should have minimized the swelling effect of your acne.
Garlic can also play a big role in getting rid of your forehead acne. Despite its strong taste and smell, garlic is packed with antiseptic and antibacterial properties that can kill the bacteria that makes your acne worse. By simply rubbing the juice of the garlic directly onto the affected area, the active elements will work their way to making sure that you’re acne-free after several applications.
Wonder why there are a lot of papaya soaps out there? Well, they are well utilized for one good reason – papayas are packed with Vitamin A and antioxidants that are very good for your skin. Yes, that includes your acne-prone skin. To create your own mixture, just mash half a cup of papaya until you get that smooth consistency. Apply it all over your forehead and keep it there until it dries up. Rinse with cold water.
If you’re trying out some remedies, it’s recommended that you try one at a time so you can see what works and what doesn’t work for you. These home remedies are cheap but are certainly helpful in getting rid of forehead acne. You just have to be patient enough because just like any other treatment, these home remedies work, but you just need to load up on your patience as you gradually get results.
Even though you bathe daily, wash your face carefully, use a pricey facial cleanser to do so, sleep at least 7 hours every night, and follow a diet that promises to help you avoid it, your forehead is still full of pimples; so you might’ve asked yourself already, what do I do? Wait a minute, take a deep breath, and relax because we can teach you how to get rid of forehead acne once and for all.
To begin, you must ascertain whether you’ve mild, moderate, or severe forehead acne. The easiest way you can do so is by looking at your forehead. Having few pimples hereon means you’ve mild acne, many means you’ve moderate forehead acne, and a lot means you’ve severe acne. Since there are specific treatments for mild, moderate, and severe forehead acne, ascertaining the degree of your skin condition enables you to select the suitable treatment for it.
If you’ve mild forehead acne, here are the available treatments:
Over-the-counter Topical Acne Treatments
Since they contain active ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, and salicylic acid, over-the-counter topical acne treatments can dry up the sebum causing your forehead acne, which can kill bacteria, cause your skin to shed even more dead skin cells, and make your forehead clear up.
If you use an over-the-counter topical acne treatment, know that they can also cause dryness, flaking, and skin irritation. But don’t worry too much, because these side effects will disappear within 30 days.
Topical Acne Treatments Available Only by way of a Doctor’s or Dermatologist’s Prescription
If your forehead acne doesn’t respond to over-the-counter topical acne treatments, get a doctor’s or dermatologist’s prescription for a stronger topical acne treatment, a topical antibiotic, or a combination of these acne treatments. Examples of topical acne treatments that are stronger than over-the-counter topical acne treatments are adapalene, tazarotene, and tretinoin. These topical acne treatments promote cell turnover and thereby prevents hair follicles from getting clogged. Topical antibiotics are able to treat acne by killing the excess skin bacteria. The doctor or the dermatologist will prescribe you a combination of these treatments if he or she feels that it’s needed to achieve the desired result.
If you get a prescription for such treatments, know that they can also cause burning, redness, peeling, and stinging. The doctor or dermatologist may suggest ways of minimizing these side effects, such as gradually increasing the dosage, washing off the medication after applying it, or changing your prescription.
If you’ve moderate or severe forehead acne, here are the available treatments:
The effect of antibiotics for acne is similar to that of topical antibiotics, except it’ll be stronger. You’ll need a doctor’s or dermatologist’s prescription in order to get some of these antibiotics. If you decide to get some, know that the doctor or dermatologist may prescribe you a course of prescription oral antibiotics with some topical medications together. Also know that the antibiotics can cause you to suffer an upset stomach, dizziness, skin discoloration, and sensitivity to sunlight, as well as render oral contraceptives ineffective.
Since oral antibiotics were the first treatment for acne, the resistance of the sufferers increased. Due to this, as soon as your skin condition improves, or as soon as he or she realizes that your prescription should be changed, the doctor or dermatologist will tell you to gradually stop taking the antibiotic.
Cosmetic Procedures
Traditionally been used to diminish fine lines, damage to the skin caused by sunlight, and minor facial scars, cosmetic procedures such as chemical peels and microdermabrasion are used together with other acne treatments to treat the skin condition.
If you choose to undergo a cosmetic procedure, know that it can cause temporary but severe redness, scaling, and blistering, as well as long-term skin discoloration.
Even though we bathe daily, wash our faces carefully, and use an expensive facial cleanser to do so, there are those whose foreheads remain riddled with pimples. Since the forehead is among the usually visible regions of the body, having acne here can be aggravating and thus have adverse effects in the sufferer’s life. If you’re among the unfortunate people who’ve done virtually everything to rid themselves of this skin condition but to no avail, you might have asked yourself already, isn’t there anybody who can teach me how to get rid of forehead acne? Fret no more, because we can.
To teach you, it would be best that we tell you all about the common causes for acne. Having this knowledge enables you to find out what the cause is for your forehead acne and, with this piece of information, be able to rid yourself of this skin condition.
Without further ado, here are the common causes of acne:
To repeat what that grade-school teacher of yours told you about puberty already, hormones can cause you to suffer from forehead acne. If you can’t recall how, let us refresh your memory.
During puberty, the oil glands on the skin (i.e., sebaceous glands) become enlarged and start producing more sebum than usual. Sebum is the substance your body normally secretes through your skin in order to keep this part of your body healthy. Unfortunately, having excessive amounts of this oil hereon can lead to acne. Androgens are the hormones that stimulate the body to increase sebum production.
If you’re pregnant, you’ll undergo hormonal changes that can cause you to have acne.
Certain Drugs
Many believe that the drugs that contain androgens, corticosteroids, or lithium can cause acne.
Like androgens, both corticosteroids and lithium can cause hormonal changes that can lead you to have acne.
If you’re taking oral contraceptives or planning to do so, know that these drugs can affect sebum production and thereby cause you to have acne.
Certain Food Items
Consumption of dairy products (i.e., milk and cheese) and carbohydrates-rich food items (e.g., bread) can lead you to have acne.
Dairy products cause acne by way of certain components. The components of these products are related to testosterone. Testosterone is the hormone that can stimulate the oil glands in a way that can cause acne.
Now, please make no mistake related to having explained to you these common causes for acne. Our doing so doesn’t mean we’re suggesting that you avoid all of the drugs and food items that you assume can cause you to have forehead acne. Not only is doing this not related to how to get rid of forehead acne at all; it can lead to worse things than suffering from this skin condition. Instead, use the knowledge you’ve gained to find out precisely what the cause of your forehead acne is and then seek the appropriate treatment.
The Correct Way of Keeping Your Face Clean
Since it’s adjacent to the scalp, which normally sheds dead skin cells every day, and the hair hereon, in which a lot of dead skin cells, sebum, and dirt can accumulate and clog the pores, the face is the region of the body on which acne usually appears. Thus, it’s easy to assume that just keeping your face clean should suffice to prevent acne from appearing on your forehead, which is one of the usually visible regions of the body and thus one of the worst regions to have acne. But since there are those still suffering from forehead acne even though they wash their faces daily, will just keeping your face clean really suffice? If you’re doing it incorrectly, you won’t. Believe it or not, there are incorrect ways of keeping one’s face clean. If you want to learn how to get rid of forehead acne, you should learn the correct ways of keeping your face clean.
To best keep your face clean, you should know how best to wash your face and how often you should be doing so. You should also know the things you’ll need.
Although suffering from acne can cause you to want to remove your pimples using a cheese grater, you should control yourself and not scrub your face too forcibly. Doing so can irritate your skin and thereby cause acne to appear hereon.
But even if you take great care in washing your face, doing so many times a day can irritate your skin and thereby cause acne to appear hereon. Several experts recommend washing your face no more than twice a day. If you continue washing your face many times a day, you’ll remove more of the oil that your body normally secrets through your pores in order to keep your skin healthy (i.e., sebum) than you should.
This oil can cause acne only when your body produces it in excessive amounts and/or clogs your pores along with dirt and/or the dead skin cells you’ve shed. Removing too much sebum by scrubbing your face too forcibly and/or washing it too frequently will cause your body to secrete more sebum than usual and thus effectively put you at risk of acne.
If you wash your face only twice a day and don’t scrub it too forcibly yet use harsh facial cleansers, you’re still at risk of acne. By harsh facial products, we mean facial cleansers that contain ingredients that can irritate your skin. Sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, and alcohol are examples of such ingredients. Sodium lauryl sulfate is the substance that enables facial washes to foam. This substance is also the ingredient that leaves you feeling squeaky clean in your face. Despite these benefits, because it can strip away sebum, sodium lauryl sulfate is no longer commonly added to facial cleansers.
Parabens can preserve facial cleansers, but since a growing number of people believe that these preservatives are skin irritants, they are no longer commonly added to facial cleansers. Apart from being the base for most facial cleaners, alcohol is added to thick facial cleansers to make them feel ‘weightless’ to the skin as well as to help the retinol and the vitamin C usually found in facial cleansers to be absorbed through the skin and thus make these skin care products truly effective. Despite these benefits, alcohol can strip away the skin’s natural barriers, dry it out, and make it vulnerable. Hence, don’t use facial cleansers that contain these substances.
But what if you continue to suffer from having your forehead covered with pimples, even after you’ve learned how to get rid of forehead acne by correctly keeping your face clean? It’s possible that the cause of your skin condition isn’t related to doing so.
How to Naturally End your Acne Misery
I was looking at my bucket list when my eyes landed on one entry that seemed to have been there forever – get rid of forehead acne. If there’s one thing I’d like to do before I give up on life is to at least end the misery that is caused by my unforgiving acne. Of all the things I have ticked off, this one has really proven to be a toughie. I have tried several remedies – some have temporarily worked, some didn’t do one bit to my acne problem, and some just made a huge dent to my bank account. And so I have spent hours and hours reading through research and articles that cure acne and finally end my acne misery. If you’ve always wanted to tick that off your bucket list too, then I’m sharing this amazing discovery that will help you naturally get rid of your forehead acne. Here are some tips that have made it possible for me to cross this one off my bucket list.
- The best way to combat and get rid of forehead acne is to maintain a complete skin care routine. You can keep your acne under control by following the right routines for cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing the skin. You can spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on skin care products, but if you can’t maintain a healthy relationship with your skin by treating it right, then your acne misery will eventually swallow you. Treat your skin right and it’ll give you what you deserve.
- They say too much of everything is evil and can be harmful. You can say that again when it comes to acne woes. You can aggravate your forehead acne by simple over-cleansing your face. You see, sometimes it’s not all about being unclean. It’s overdoing it that makes your acne problems worse. If you want to naturally end your acne misery, just go easy on your face. It’s as simple as that.
- Another way to naturally get rid of forehead acne is to never end a day without your soothing tea, particularly red and chamomile tea. These are amazing kinds of tea that offer to get rid of forehead acne through the powerful and purifying elements it offers. You can always spice it up by adding honey and lemon, which are also helpful on your quest for an acne misery-free life.
- Homemade remedies work just as effectively as other forms of treatments. Sometimes all you need to do is take time to sit down and research some basic elements that are safe and as effective as those medications meant for acne. You might be surprised at the number of mixtures you can concoct from your kitchen that will give you all the goodness that you’ve been looking for.
- Finally, it’s important to remind yourself that it takes patience to get your goals achieved. In your case, your acne won’t disappear after one application unless you signed up for a magical treatment somewhere. Even those expensive laser treatments require several sessions before it can do its job at getting rid of your forehead acne. Just like everything else in life, you’ve to be patient enough for your body to react properly to the kind of treatment it’s receiving.
The misery that your acne brings can become unbearable. It’s your responsibility to be vigilant and be disciplined enough to follow through on whatever treatments you’re taking to resolve your issue. In life, nothing comes easy. If you quit on your acne, unfortunately, it doesn’t quit on you too. But if you do your part, your acne misery will end. If you do it right, it’ll end soon.