Hence, if they believe sugar is nothing but good, it can be hard for anybody to find fault with them. Unfortunately, the reality is that overconsumption of sweetened food items and beverages can lead women to fall ill or worse. As far as we’re concerned, carrying out health-related plans like the 21 Day Sugar Detox plan is the best way that they can avoid or treat it.
21 Day Sugar Detox Plan Part 1: Why Women Should Undergo a Sugar Detox
Also called the 21DSD, the 21 Day Sugar Detox plan is a ‘real-foods’ based program designed by author Dianne Sanfilippo, BS, NC, in order to help people suffering from sugar and carb cravings to either lessen or get rid of them.
In order to do so, Ms. Sanfilippo advises to:
- Avoid consuming sweetened food items and beverages
- Consume fruit and “starchy carbs” in only limited amounts
- Consume as much crunchy, leafy vegetables as possible
- Consume only “quality proteins” and the fats that are beneficial to health
Why is there all of this negative press about sugar? The amount of sugar you consume by way of sweetened food items and beverages has a significant effect in your body’s insulin levels. Insulin is the substance that your body makes and then uses to turn sugar into energy. The higher the sugar level in your blood is, the more insulin your body needs to secrete in order to turn the sugar into energy.
The more sugar your body turns into energy, the less fat it turns into energy. (To be sure, similar to how a car burns gas in order to run, your body normally burns fat as fuel). The less fat your body burns as fuel, the more you’ll have to work out in order to burn the fat left. Doing so makes remaining healthy and fit harder than it should be. The harder it’s to do, the more you’re at risk of stopping and therefore becoming unhealthy and unfit.
Not only are women likely more at risk of becoming unhealthy and unfit due to overconsumption of sweetened food items and beverages than men since the former evidently likes to consume such items and drinks than the latter, women who do become unhealthy and unfit due to overconsumption of sweetened food items and beverages will suffer more than health-related problems.
For instance, since how attractive women find themselves is linked to their self-esteems, if you’re unfit, it’s likely you’ll often feel sad. Having such a disposition can have a significant adverse effect in your life. For example, feeling unhappy all the time can drive away people, discourage you from enjoying yourself, and worse of all, lead to depression.
In order to help you avoid having such problems, we’ll explain in Part 2 the 21 Day Sugar Detox plan.
21 Day Sugar Detox Plan Part 2: The Nitty-Gritty
Like we’ve said in Part 1, whether we like it or not, sugar consumed by way of sweetened food items and beverages in amounts more than we should have is bad for us. Doing so can have several adverse effects in all of our well-beings.
The worst is becoming physically and mentally unhealthy. As if this wasn’t awful already, due to their love for sweets, women may be more at risk of suffering from the problems caused by overconsumption of sweetened food items and beverages than men. It’s fortunate for us then that there are ways we can deal with such problems ourselves, such as the 21 Day Sugar Detox plan.
In case you’ve only now read about this ‘real-foods’ based program designed by author Dianne Sanfilippo, BS, NC, in order to help people suffering from sugar and carb cravings with either lessening or getting rid of them, allow us to give you the nitty-gritty of this program.
To help the people lessen or get rid of their cravings, Ms. Sanfilippo advises them to:
- Avoid consuming sweetened food items and beverages
- Consume fruit and “starchy carbs” in only limited amounts
- Consume as much crunchy, leafy vegetables as possible
- Consume only “quality proteins” and the fats that are beneficial to health
Ms. Sanfilippo pointed out that sugar is harmful for its effect in the body’s insulin levels. To be precise, the amount of sugar you consume by way of sweetened food items and beverages has a significant effect in your body’s insulin levels. Insulin is the substance that your body makes and then uses to turn sugar into energy. The higher the sugar level in your blood is, the more insulin your body needs to secrete in order to turn it into energy.
The more sugar your body turns into energy, the less fat it turns into energy. (Similar to how an automobile burns gas in order to run, your body normally burns the fat within it as fuel). The less fat your body burns as fuel, the more you’ll have to work out in order to burn the remaining fat. Doing so makes remaining healthy and fit more difficult than it should be. The harder it’s to do, the more you’re likely to stop and therefore become unhealthy and unfit.
Also Read: How to Say No to Sugar Cravings!
Consuming less of the sweetened food items and beverages you usually consume is easier said than done, as virtually all of the commercially available food items and beverages contain surprisingly high amounts of sugar. So, you might ask yourself, how do I do it? Ms. Sanfilippo advises to consume more of certain food items and beverages that contain less sugar than most of the others, or replace the sweetened food items and beverages you usually consume with these.
Here are some examples of the food items and beverages:
- Fruit and salads containing only as little salt and pepper as possible instead of junk food
- Pure fruit juices instead of soda
The 21 Day Sugar Detox plan will be quite beneficial to your well-being, as it can provide you with several physical and mental benefits. These benefits include a reduced risk of acne, type 2 diabetes, fatigue, headaches, nausea, and of course, obesity.
But don’t just take our word for it. We suggest you take the program yourself in order to prove it’s beneficial to your well-being.
Curb Sugar Cravings
We all know that sugar cravings are almost always a losing battle. We just have to have our dose of sugar when we start craving for a fix.
Anybody with a sweet tooth knows that no meal is complete without dessert, the highlight of most meals, anyway. But sugar is weight loss’s worst enemy, and apparently, your health’s too. It contributes to diabetes, obesity, and most recently, it has been linked to disease.
Dessert is everywhere, and the battle to have some is being fought every single day. To order the famous brownie ala mode at the restaurant you’re at, to say yes to an offer of a birthday cake slice, to buy that pretty cupcake on your way home, to grab that last bar of chocolate from the refrigerator. Denying yourself of the sweet treat is such a challenge.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can instantly curb your sugar cravings, and it also offers other benefits. It helps break down fat, helps control blood pressure, and gives relief from food, pollen, and pet allergies. Apple cider vinegar is vinegar and, therefore, acidic, but has the exact opposite effect when consumed. It causes the body to become more alkaline, so there’s no need to worry about becoming acidic.
The next time you want to reach for that sweet temptation, add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass with 3/4ths cup of cold water. Stir with a teaspoon and drink up!
Apple cider vinegar has such a strong taste, you may opt to lessen the vinegar for the first few times until you get used to its taste. Whether you’re cutting back on sugar for health reasons or simply to lose weight, you now have a quick fix.
Before you head off to the next dinner party where there will surely be a lot of temptation, have a glass of water with apple cider vinegar to help you triumph over the challenge. You may even permanently incorporate the apple cider vinegar concoction into your daily routine to always keep the sugar cravings under control and lose weight in the process.
Sugar is addictive so once you cut back, the cravings become less intense and easier to control. While an occasional dessert is fine, regular consumption of sugary snacks should be given up. Sugar comes in beautiful and irresistible forms, but the next time you crave it, you now have a fix to curb the sweet craving.
Drink plenty of water
This might sound ridiculous, but sometimes the brain sends signals of your need for sweets when in fact your body actually needs water. If you feel the urge to munch on anything sweet, try drinking a glass of water. Add a twist to your regular water by simply adding some lemon juice and you might just feel the difference. Get rid of sugar cravings by drinking plenty of water every day.
Reduce stress
When you’re stressed, the body creates a hormone called cortisol, which raises your blood sugar and makes you crave for sugar. If you want to know how to get rid of sugar cravings, you can definitely start by just relaxing and reducing stress. Get some sleep, walk around a little, get out of your computer chair and chat with some workmates, listen to your favorite music, or even dance a little. Whatever it takes to relieve stress, go right ahead and do it.
You must have read a lot about exercising. If you’re looking to get rid of sugar cravings, exercising can actually contribute, too. You see, when you work out, your body releases “feel good” chemicals called endorphins. This sends the signal to your brain that you’re feeling great and that there’s no need to reach for that doughnut you’ve on the counter.
Your routine doesn’t have to be really intensive. In fact, it doesn’t even require a gym membership if that is what you’re worried about. You can do some body squats, run around (or simply walk) the park, or go up and down the stairs. Anything that requires exertion of energy will do. You’ll be amazed at all the great benefits you get from exercising.
Train your taste buds
This may not be the easiest way, but this is definitely something that you’ll really appreciate. When you try to get rid of sugar cravings, cutting sweets completely out of your life may not always work for some people. You can start by training your taste buds to feel satisfied with less.
This means you can sugar splurge only to a certain limit just to satisfy your sweet tooth. Be mindful of how much sugar you’ve already taken in. And while you’re at it, make sure to combine sugary foods with some of your healthy foods so you can satisfy your craving and at the same time get the needed nutrients for your health.
There are a thousand more ways to combat and get rid of sugar cravings, but you can start with these tips that are sure to help you overcome your need for sweets.
Eat Whole Foods
While we know how important it’s to learn how to get rid of sugar cravings, we understand how hard it’s to do so. Part of ridding oneself of such cravings is consuming food items and beverages that are rich in vitamins and minerals, contain little calories, and, of course, are low in sugar.
But nowadays, finding such food items and beverages is easier said than done. Since sugar is one of the natural substances widely used to make food and drinks taste even better and last longer, you might find it hard to seek food items and beverages that contain little of it. To help make your search easy, we suggest you start by looking for whole foods.
Whole foods are food items that have been processed as little as possible and contain no artificial substances. In other words, whole foods are food items in their original forms. Examples are whole grains, fresh fruit, and organic vegetables.
Also Read: How to Say No to Sugar Cravings
According to the whole-foods diet, since they contain no artificial substances, whole foods could cause no health problems when consumed. Since they contain much less sugar than sweetened food items and beverages, whole foods could also help wean you off the food items and beverages when you consume them over a long period.
But that doesn’t mean consuming as many whole foods as you can is a perfect way of ridding yourself of your sugar cravings. Among the problems you might have with doing so is making sure that the way you prepare the whole foods you consume won’t render them unhealthful.
Cooking with oil and over-seasoning are some of the ways that you could make your meals bad for you. To avoid this, steam or not season at all instead. As long as you buy the most flavorful ingredients you can afford, you won’t have to worry over your meals ever being bland.
No matter how healthful the whole foods you’ve are, if you consume them with high-sugar high-calorie chemical-laden beverages, sides, or condiments, you’ll fail to get rid of your sugar cravings. You’ll still be consuming the sugar you’re trying to avoid by way of the unhealthful beverages, sides, and condiments.
Drink some water or a pure fruit juice, have a steamed and unseasoned side, and have no condiment instead. As long as you buy the most flavorful low-sugar low-calorie vitamin-and-mineral-rich food items and beverages you could purchase, you won’t have to worry over your meals ever being unsatisfying.
No matter how little calories the whole foods you’ve contain, if you consume more of them than you should, you’ll gain weight, unwittingly cause your blood-sugar levels to rise, and fall ill. Consume whole foods in moderation to avoid this.
But what if you already consume whole foods? Don’t worry; we have even more to share regarding how to get rid of sugar cravings. We’ll soon be doing so here, so do pay us a visit again.
Avoid Simple Carbohydrates: Bad Sugars In Disguise
If you’ve read all we’ve published so far on how to get rid of sugar cravings but you still crave sugar, you’re likely at your wit’s end already. Sit still, close your eyes, and count to ten while breathing deeply and slowly. Now stop fretting. There’s still hope for you. The key to getting rid of these cravings obviously doesn’t lie in the amount of sweetened food items and beverages you consume. So it must lie in avoiding other substances.
Believe it or not, there are other substances that could cause sugar cravings when consumed in large amounts over a long period. We refer to them as bad sugar in disguise.
To be sure, bad sugar in disguise isn’t some unhealthful sugar masquerading as another edible substance. We use this term for substances that could cause you to have sugar cravings after they turn into sugar during digestion. These substances are called simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are found in enriched flour, refined bread, and pasta. When you consume some of these food items, your stomach will break down the carbohydrates they contain into glucose.
After the carbohydrates have been turned into glucose, your stomach and small intestine will absorb this monosaccharide (simple sugar) and then release it into the bloodstream, where it’ll be converted into energy or stored. Often consuming a lot of simple carbohydrates-rich food items will cause your blood-sugar levels to rise and fall abnormally. This yo-yo effect in your blood-sugar levels will make you crave sugar. To avoid this, consume complex carbohydrates-rich food items instead.
Such food items contain more dietary fiber than simple carbohydrates-rich food items. Examples of complex carbohydrates-rich food items are vegetables, fruits, whole-grain cereal, multi-grain bread, brown pastas, and rice-based food products.
Consuming carbohydrates-rich food items have even more health benefits. Since these food items are rich in dietary fiber as well, they could make you feel full quickly when consumed, preventing you from overeating. They also improve digestion and thereby help prevent indigestion and constipation. Since such food items are low in calories, they won’t cause you to gain weight. They also help prevent calories from clogging up the arteries, so consuming some of them will help keep your heart healthy.
But we aren’t telling you to consume as much complex carbohydrates-rich food items as you want. Both simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates can be turned into glucose during digestion, so consuming excessive amounts of complex carbohydrates-rich food items over a long period will cause you to have sugar cravings.
To avoid this, consume such food items in moderation. But you’ll still be at risk of having sugar cravings if you consume them with high-sugar high-calorie chemical-laden food items, so avoid such unhealthful food items.
Having shared with you all we know so far on how to get rid of sugar cravings, we hope we’ll be able to help you get well.
Craving versus addiction
You can’t fight a battle you don’t understand. If you want to know how to get rid of sugar cravings, you’ve to start by determining if it’s something excessive that needs your full attention. You see, there’s nothing wrong with cravings. If you can indulge and be content in moderation, you’re totally fine. However, if your cravings make you totally cranky and different if left unsatisfied, then you know you’ve work to do. If you’ve that figured out, then move on to the next step.
Have the desire to change
Anything you hope to do or wish for will never really come to life unless you’ve that kind of desire to make it happen. Now that you’re aware of your need to control and get rid of your sugar cravings before your health goes haywire, you must have a desire to step up and do something about it. Without a desire to change, you’ll end up losing this battle you could have easily won.
Knowledge is power
This may be a cliché, but it’s something that is applicable when dealing with sugar craving problems. Since you’re aware of your situation and that you’ve the desire to do something about it, now is the time to learn about the food you eat and everything that triggers sugar cravings.
The kind of food we have today contains a ton of this and that, and not knowing what you’re putting in your mouth may hurt you in the long run. Knowledge is one powerful tool you can use. Learn about sugar, about food contents, about other healthy alternatives for sugar, and about what and what not to eat. Read labels. Be inquisitive of the food you eat. It won’t be easy, especially if you’ve been so used to just putting food into your mouth. Plan ahead.
Put plan into action
Finally, get up and get some work done. This is the most challenging part. But if you really want to get rid of your sugar craving, then put everything into action. Start eating a healthy diet. Stop relying so much on processed foods. Start working out. Stop reaching out for that bag of candies when you feel blue. Walk it off or take a shower. Reduce your sugar consumption. Go for healthier alternatives. It takes heart and a whole lot of effort for you to win this battle. But it’ll all be worth it in the end.
Have as Much Fruit as Possible
Sugar is among the most useful edible substances found in nature. It’s added to food and drinks to make them taste even better and lengthen their shelf life. When we consume some, it can give us an energy boost and stimulate our bodies to release calming and relaxing endorphins. But overconsumption can cause cravings that could lead to weight gain or disease. How fortunate it’s for all of us then that getting rid of sugar cravings is easy to learn. For proof, allow us to discuss it with you, starting with fruit.
Almost all fruits are naturally sweet because they contain the monosaccharides (simple sugars) glucose and fructose, as well as some of the disaccharide sucrose. Fruits bear these sugars to encourage animals to consume them and help them disperse their seeds.
The amounts of sugar found in fruits are much less than those usually found in most food items and beverages. The sugars in fruits are also natural, unlike those in many food items and beverages, which are usually concoctions of artificial sweeteners and other chemicals. Thus, consuming fruits instead of sweetened food items and beverages helps wean you off the latter. Over time, you’ll stop craving sugar.
Consuming fruits is also more healthful than consuming sweetened food items and beverages. While all of them are nutritious, unlike the nutrients sweetened food items and beverages contain, which are chemicals, mostly, the nutrients found in fruits are natural and therefore safe to consume.
Also Read: How to Say No to Sugar Cravings!
To save you from the chore of choosing which fruits would be best for you to consume, we suggest you start with these ‘super fruits’:
Since you could buy some of it easily, it’s unlikely that you’ve thought of bananas as a super fruit. But they are indeed. A medium-sized banana (118 g in weight) contains several nutrients—vitamins A, C, D, B6, and B12, as well as calcium, potassium, protein, iron, and magnesium—and low amounts of calories (105 kcal), fat (0.4 g in total), sodium (1 mg), carbohydrates (27 g in total), and sugar (14 g).
Since its health benefits include detoxification, weight loss, and healthy brain functions maintenance, it should be no surprise that blueberries are among the super fruits that could help you rid yourself of your sugar cravings. One cup (148 g) of blueberries contains the same nutrients as a medium-sized banana. It’s also low in calories (85 kcal), fat (0.5 g in total), sodium (1 mg), carbohydrates (21g in total), and sugar (15 g).
Apart from containing resveratrol, one of the most powerful known antioxidants, grapes are rich in vitamins (e.g., vitamins A and K and folate) and minerals (e.g., calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium). Moreover, one cup (92 g) of grapes is low in calories (62 kcal), fat (0.3 g in total), sodium (2 mg), carbohydrates (16 g in total), and sugar (15 g).
To be sure, we aren’t telling you to consume as many fruits as you want. Part of learning how to get rid of sugar cravings is to control yourself, so you should consume fruits in moderation. If you don’t, you’ll gain weight or fall ill.
But what if you don’t like fruits? Don’t worry; there are other ways that you could easily rid yourself of your sugar cravings. We’ll soon be sharing them here, so do pay us a visit again.
Eat Regularly
You may have been skipping meals to lose weight and attain your ideal figure. You’ll shed pounds by doing so, but there’s no guaranteeing you’ll remain slim. One of the adverse effects of not eating regularly is having sugar cravings. Feeling addicted to sweet or sweetened food items and beverages could cause you to consume more of these food items and beverages than you should.
Doing so will cause you to gain weight or fall ill. To avoid this, you must learn how to get rid of sugar cravings.
There are many ways that you could rid yourself of your sugar cravings. Some are relatively easy. One such way is eating regularly. If you don’t eat regularly, you’re effectively depriving your body of the nutrients it needs daily to remain healthy. Take, for example, sugar. Your body needs a certain amount of sugar every day to function. After the stomach breaks down the carbohydrates in food into glucose, it and the small intestine will absorb this monosaccharide (simple sugar) and then release it into the bloodstream, where it’ll be converted into energy or stored.
A drop in your blood-sugar levels will make you hungry, crave sugar, and consume more sweet or sweetened food items and beverages than you should. Your blood-sugar levels will drop if you skip meals. For instance, you’ll feel out of sorts until you’ve lunch if you skip breakfast. You might consume more sweet or sweetened food items or beverages than you should to give your body that energy boost it’s been craving. You’ll always crave sugar afterward.
By eating regularly, we don’t mean just having three-square healthful meals a day. You may have a snack sometime between breakfast and lunch, and then again sometime between lunch and dinner. Or you may have five small meals a day. As long as the food items and beverages you consume are low in sugar, rich in vitamins and minerals, and contain little calories, you won’t crave sugar, you’ll remain healthy, and you may even lose weight.
Having several small meals instead of three heavy meals a day lowers the calories you usually consume. Doing so boosts your metabolism as well. If you opt instead to have a snack sometime between breakfast and lunch, and then again sometime between lunch and dinner, choose your snacks carefully. Have snacks that are rich in vitamins and minerals, contain little calories, and, of course, are low in sugar. No matter how low in sugar and calories, as well as rich in vitamins and minerals, every meal you’ve is, having heavy high-sugar high-calorie chemical-laden snacks in between renders your healthful diet and exercise in futility.
Remember, a healthful diet is all about quality over quantity.
But what if you do eat regularly yet still crave sugar? Don’t worry; we have even more to share regarding how to get rid of sugar cravings. We’ll soon be doing so here, so do pay us a visit again.
Conclusion: Breaking the Sugar Addiction Habit For Good!
Wonder what fuels your brain and what your brain always sees as a reward? Sugar. But what happens when the brain constantly sends the message of your need to be rewarded with sweets and it’s totally making you crazy? You might be experiencing an addiction to sweets that you’ll have to deal with. Addiction sounds a little horrible, but before you start running around like a chicken with its head cut off, know that sugar addiction can be prevented.
Getting rid of sugar cravings needs discipline and a few good tricks that will send the satisfaction that your brain needs. Are you ready to work on some of these tricks that have been proven to break any kind of sugar addiction you may already have?
The first trick to help you get rid of sugar cravings is to know what causes your desire to always munch on sweets. There are several reasons why your brain craves for sugar, which include hormonal imbalance, unhealthy eating habits, premenstrual period, or even eating disorders. If you’re unable to determine what causes your addiction to sugar, it’s best to consult with your doctor to get an accurate diagnosis.
If you’ve the first step covered, now is the time to look at your kitchen and check what you’ve in stock. Get rid of sugar cravings by knowing what foods hide sugar. Check for ingredients and sugar contents on the labels. If you’re aware of what your food is made of, it becomes easier for you to cut down on your sugar intake and avoid foods that appear to be healthy but are in fact packed with hidden sugar. Clean out your kitchen of those foods so you can start anew.
Now that your kitchen is free from the bonds of sugar and all the crazy things it comes with, start replacing the stuff you tossed out the window with sugar-free counterparts. Go for whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and dairy products. Some of the products will still have sugar, but it always comes with other nutrients and fiber that will help the body process everything properly.
Also Read: How to Say No to Sugar Cravings
One thing you also have to remember when shopping is to always make sure you don’t go on an empty stomach. You’ll never be able to purchase foods that will help you get rid of your sugar cravings if you shop hungry. Why? Because all those sweet and processed foods will certainly catch your eyes and make you want to buy them.
Last and certainly not the least, plan your meals. Sure, this is extra work, but if you’re really serious about getting rid of sugar cravings and dumping all of its negative effects down the drain, you’ve to take the time to plan your meals and follow it by heart. It’s never recommended to skip a meal because when you do, that is usually when the brain starts sending another message to grab another chocolate bar that will keep you wanting more.
You can break the sugar addiction of habit. You just have to be willing to give it up and make the changes you need in order to succeed.