Parasites are organisms that live in a host animal and steal nutrients from the host, causing the host damage. Most parasites that live in humans are situated in the intestines, because that’s where the food is. Parasites feed off the sugar in the gut and multiply there.
The body’s immune system tries to eliminate the infection, but often the parasites multiply faster than the immune system can handle. Parasites are most often contracted through contaminated food or water, or by lack of good hygiene.
Luckily, there are some good parasite cleanse recipes that can be utilized to get rid of any parasitic infection, and they don’t even require a trip to the hospital. If you think you’re infected with a parasite, try these homemade recipes.
Natural Parasite Cleanse Recipes
Have you been having issues with gaining or losing weight, constipation, low energy levels, urinary tract infections, or even mood swings? These are just a few of the long and seemingly never-ending symptoms of having intestinal parasites.
According to the World Health Organization, billions of people suffer different kinds of illnesses and diseases that are related to or directly caused by parasitic infection.
Because of this, there are many products that are manufactured and are commercially available to help eradicate the parasites inside your body. However, if you would like to avoid some side effects that are harsh and unforgiving to your human capabilities, here are some natural parasite cleanse recipes that you can take advantage of.
The Spicy Jalapeno Recipe
This natural parasite cleanse recipe has existed for years and years even before some of the well known medicines today were even invented.
The spicy jalapeno pepper is a great ingredient for a parasite cleanse recipe simply because it’s hot – yes, literally hot.
Now while this may not be favored by some people, the heat coming from jalapeno peppers is something that makes those spiteful parasites uncomfortable, forcing them to vacate your intestines.
When digested, the substance found in jalapeno peppers work by killing any kind of bacteria and parasites that have taken residence in your intestinal tracts.
To create your parasite cleanse recipe, simply chop 2-3 pieces of jalapeno peppers into little pieces. For those who cannot tolerate the spicy effect of these potent tiny peppers, you can mix it with anything that has high fat content to tone down the burning effect you get.
For example, you can create a mixture of chopped jalapeno peppers and a few tablespoons of mashed avocado. You can also make use of yogurt sprinkled with chopped jalapeno peppers.
Either way, those potent peppers will get those parasites out of your system in no time!
The Ginger Lemon Tea Recipe
Don’t you just love the combination of lemon and ginger on your sore-throat days? This duo is an excellent remedy for curing illnesses such as colds and sore throats. What else can this powerful duo do? Well, they are also a perfect pair for a parasite cleanse recipe.
Ginger and lemon are high in antioxidant and antibacterial properties that fight against a variety of parasites that reside in your intestines.
Usually, honey is added to ginger and lemon to complete your treatment for the common cold; however, for a parasite cleanse recipe, you can omit the honey and just add a dash of cayenne pepper instead.
Your recipe can be accomplished by peeling and slicing the ginger into thin strips.
When done, add the ginger to a teapot of hot water and leave it there for about 10 minutes or so. You can leave it longer if you want to maximize the flavor you can get from the ginger. Add 2-3 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and a small amount of cayenne pepper. Drink this on a daily basis to cure your common cold and kill those parasites.
Cucumber Cleanse Recipe
This recipe is perfect to start your day and keep you energized throughout the rest of the day.
Moreover, this recipe is a combination of amazing natural ingredients that are powerful and safe parasite cleansers. Cucumber, green apple, lemon, and cilantro are packed with nutrients that keep you and your intestines in a clean and healthy state.
Prepare your parasite cleanse recipe by peeling 1 whole cucumber, 1 green apple, and half a lemon. Throw them in your blender and add a handful of cilantro to balance the flavor. The apple helps break toxins down, the cucumber helps in waste and parasite removal, cilantro is a good source of antioxidants, and the lemon helps complete your recipe.
Dilute the blended ingredients with equal parts of water. Mix well and drink up to get you up and running while you get rid of those parasites within.
Try any of these natural cleanses to help you get your health back and those parasites out of your system. Going natural with your methods is a perfect way to feel clean and healthy inside and out.
Parasite infection and parasite cleanse recipes may seem like the last thing you’ve to worry about in a developed country, but statistics show that up to fifty percent of Americans have a parasitic infection.
Parasites mostly live in the human intestines. Parasites most often infect human hosts through contaminated food or water.
Pork products and shell fish are both guilty of being parasite carriers in the United States, but airborne parasites also infect people in great numbers. Know the symptoms.
Some common effects of having an intestinal parasite are joint pains, skin rashes, diarrhea, and sinusitis. Luckily, as easy as it’s to become infected with a parasite, it’s almost as simple to get rid of them. There are many parasite cleanse recipes that can be made at home to fight off and keep out nasty bugs.
The best way to get rid of intestinal parasites is to starve them of their food source. Parasites live off sugars and complex carbohydrates that turn into sugars. Going on a fasting liquids-only diet is a good idea if you think you’ve a parasite.
However, not just any liquid will do. Fermented drinks starve the parasites as well and paralyze them so they are easier to expel. You may see the worms in your stool as your body expels them. Many health experts recommend a 3 to 21 day low calorie liquid diet to flush out parasites.
Certain herbs are also very useful ingredients in parasite cleanse recipes. Dried oregano and essential oil of oregano are both extremely volatile and anti-parasitic.
Two to three drops of oregano oil and some lemon in water make a handy cleanse recipe that you can take everyday. Clove also works well and can be either substituted for oregano or used alongside it.
Other herbs that make fine ingredients are ginger, wormwood, and black walnut. If convenience is very important to you, you should know that clove, wormwood, and black walnut all come in capsule forms to be taken on an empty stomach.
Some foods that can be used in parasite cleanse recipes are extra virgin coconut oil, raw garlic, onions, jalapenos, and raw pumpkin seeds. Extra virgin coconut oil has medium chain triglycerides that enhance the immune system, helping to kill off parasites.
Raw onions and garlic provide sulfur containing amino acids that are anti-parasitic.
Pumpkin seeds also contain amino acids, which paralyze parasites and make them lose their grip and get expelled from the body. A tip for taking jalapeno is to chop them up, mix them with yogurt, and eat them without chewing.
Alternatively, you can mix the jalapeno with a food high in fat such as goat cheese or avocado and it won’t burn when you chew them.
If you don’t feel like mixing up your own recipe, there are many over-the-counter remedies you can use that are as natural and safe as the homemade stuff.
ParaPure Parasite Cleanse is an over-the-counter parasite cleanse recipe that has all the good stuff in it. It has black walnut hull, wormwood, clove, garlic, and pumpkin seed as well as other ingredients known to fight off parasites.
These ingredients include English lavender blossom, which is antiseptic and anti-parasitic; orange peel, which acts as an anti-fungal; male fern root, which has been used for centuries as a medicinal herb to treat digestive health; and others.
Whether you go the homegrown route or pick up a bottle of ParaPure Parasite Cleanse, you can trust that these natural ingredients will rid you of your parasite problem.
Parasites- Flush Them With Foods!
tudies show that up to fifty percent of Americans are infested with parasites in the intestines. The signs mimic other illnesses.
Digestive symptoms, flu-like symptoms, skin rashes, pains in the joints, and chronic sinusitis are all symptoms of the presence of intestinal parasites. Luckily, for as many parasites there are many natural parasite cleansing recipes. Many different types of foods have anti-parasitic qualities.
For the best results, many holistic health experts recommend a 3 to 21 day fast with a liquids-only diet. Fermented liquids should be part of your recipes. Some drinks you should be making and drinking to cure parasites should be fermented. After your fast, supplement your normal diet with fermented raw dairy and vegetables.
Raw, grass-fed fermented dairy products should be used in abundance. And there’s nothing better for your parasite cleanse recipes than fermented vegetables like kimchi and sauerkraut.
Black walnut is considered a great ingredient. It’s in many over-the-counter remedies for parasitic inflections. You use the hull of the black walnut while it’s still green.
Before the hull turns black, it contains the parasite fighting power you need. The green hull of the black walnut contains organic iodine that is healing to the body and antiseptic properties.
You can either buy the walnut hulls in tincture form or make your own tincture. To make the tincture, soak half a cup of black walnut hulls in a cup of water for an hour.
Once the hour has passed, strain the hulls out and bottle your homemade tincture. Whether you buy it or make it, use two or three drops in an eight-ounce glass of water and drink.
Jalapeno peppers are also a great ingredient. They are very effective for ridding yourself of intestinal parasites, but you may find them hard to take because they are so spicy.
There are two good ways to get around that. The first way is to chop up the jalapenos and mix them with yogurt. Then eat the yogurt-jalapeno mixture without chewing to avoid the burn. The second way is to eat the peppers with a food that’s high in fat content, like avocado or goat cheese. That way, the peppers won’t burn when you chew.
Another ingredient that you should be using for your parasite cleanse recipe is raw pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds contain a rare amino acid called cucurbitin, which is supposed to paralyze the worms so they lose their grip on the intestinal walls and get expelled from the host body.
Taking the seeds are simple. Just eat the raw seeds like you would any snack food. Native Americans are known to have used pumpkin seeds effectively as a parasite cleanser.
Garlic is also a good ingredient. It has anti-bacterial properties that make it perfect for your cleansing recipes. Garlic actually can treat many aliments in the gastric system. For best results, eat an entire clove of garlic within fifteen minutes of crushing it open.
If you find you don’t like the taste of the garlic, crush open a clove and mix it with eight ounces of water and a teaspoon of honey before drinking it.
Another good ingredient that’s much better tasting than the garlic is peppermint. Peppermint seeds can be bought at most any garden supply store that sells dried seeds. Eating the seeds won’t only leave your mouth clean and fresh, but it’ll also soothe upset stomachs and kill parasites.
The active ingredient in this recipe is menthol. Menthol has anti-bacterial properties, which is what makes it so perfect for your cleansing recipes.
Try any of these food-based parasite cleanse recipes and feel better today.
Are you thinking of embarking on a parasite cleanse but don’t know what tools you need to make your journey a successful one?
Worry no more; you can start your voyage by getting yourself acquainted with these super foods that are perfect for any recipe that exterminate parasites. Get any of these incorporated in your daily diet and you’ll soon be parasite-free and healthy again.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Your parasite cleanse recipe can be accompanied by the famous apple cider vinegar.
For years, this has been used to cure illnesses related to the digestive system. Apple cider vinegar works by increasing the amount of acid in your stomach, which kills parasites. It’s advisable to take about 2 tablespoons of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar before meals to prepare your tummy for a cleansing you’ll appreciate.
Green Leafy Vegetables
Did you know that a daily dose of those leafy greens can do you and your guts a huge favor? Yes, these green leafy vegetables are great ingredients because of the amount of nutrients these contain that combat parasites.
These are packed with anti-oxidants that cleanse your organs exterminate parasites that weaken their state.
Remember that parasites dwell and multiply on hosts that are weak and vulnerable. Incorporating fish in your recipe can help boost your immune system. Fish is a great source of high-quality proteins that your body needs to function at its best.
Start stocking up on fish and have them included in your recipe for better results.
I know most of you associate papaya with any skin-related products. Papayas are great for giving you that perfect glow to your skin. But guess what? It can also be a potent ingredient for a parasite cleanse recipe.
Papaya and papaya juice contain enzymes that have an anti-parasitic effect. You can get creative and include this yummy fruit for a healthy tummy.
Green Onions
Including onions in your recipe also provides anti-parasitic effects that you’ll surely appreciate. An enzyme called alliinase is released from green onions, which will exterminate parasites that feed on your body.
To complete a parasite cleanse recipe, peel off green onions and juice the white part. Add two teaspoons of sesame seed oil and mix well.
Just like pineapples, pomegranates are also a great addition, as they do a great job at getting your digestive tracts clean and free from any sort of parasites. Pomegranates can be eaten as is or made as fresh fruit juice. It makes no difference.
To maximize the great effects you get from pomegranate juice, drink up to four glasses each day.
Sunflower Seeds
If you’re into these tiny yummy seeds, go for some sunflower seeds. If you want to make it simple, you can just go ahead and add these to your favorite salads to add some crunch.
This contains a powerful antibacterial agent called allyl isothiocyanate that makes it an effective element of a parasite cleanse recipe. When cut or grated, the antibacterial agent is released and becomes a potent enemy of parasites.
You can add a spoonful of freshly grated horseradish to your favorite soup to get that additional delicious and parasite-killer flavor.
Thyme Tea
If you’re looking for an element that is brave enough to conquer those nasty parasites, then you might want to consider thyme tea. Thymus is a Greek word for “courage” and has been used to clean parasites from intestines.
Take a cup of thyme tea in the morning and in the evening to exterminate parasites that cling to your guts.
[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″][easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B00Q3K6ZFU” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”independentfemme-20″ width=”318″][/su_column] [su_column size=”1/2″]Since parasites feed on the sugar in your gut, the best way to get rid of them is to starve them of that sugar. To make the most out of many parasite cleanse recipes, try fasting with fermented drinks.Many holistic health coaches recommend a 3 to 21 day low calorie liquid diet that is rich in fermented beverages, water, and fresh lemon juice. It’s also recommended to take probiotic supplements while on your fasting diet, as they help destroy parasites and re-inoculate the gut.
[su_button url=”″ target=”blank” background=”#f1396d” size=”8″ center=”yes” radius=”round” rel=”nofollow”]Check Price on Amazon[/su_button][/su_column][/su_row]Oregano oil
[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″][easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B0013OXFBI” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”independentfemme-20″ width=”500″][/su_column] [su_column size=”1/2″]Once your fast is over, there are several herbs you can take regularly to ward off any future infections. Dried oregano and [easyazon_link keywords=”essential oil of oregano” locale=”US” tag=”independentfemme-20″]essential oil of oregano[/easyazon_link] are anti-parasitic and should be utilized in cleanse recipes. Two to three drops of oregano oil in water mixed with fresh squeezed lemon will help kill off parasites. [su_button url=”″ target=”blank” background=”#f1396d” size=”8″ center=”yes” radius=”round” rel=”nofollow”]Check Price on Amazon[/su_button][/su_column][/su_row]Clove, wormwood and black walnut
[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″][easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B072KLTKB5″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”independentfemme-20″ width=”500″][/su_column] [su_column size=”1/2″]Another good ingredient is clove. It works just as well as oregano oil, and you can either substitute it in place of oregano oil or use them together.Some other common anti-parasitic herbs are ginger, wormwood, and black walnut. Clove, wormwood, and black walnut all come in capsules that should be taken on an empty stomach. Start with a small dose and gradually increase it over time, taking the capsules for several months to flush out any parasites. You can purchase them on Amazon.
[su_button url=”″ target=”blank” background=”#f1396d” size=”8″ center=”yes” radius=”round” rel=”nofollow”]Check Price on Amazon[/su_button][/su_column][/su_row]Virgin coconut oil
[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″][easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B00DS842HS” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”independentfemme-20″ width=”421″][/su_column] [su_column size=”1/2″] In addition many foods have anti-parasitic properties. Extra virgin coconut oil has medium chain triglycerides and enhance the immune system, which helps your body fight off parasites. Raw garlic and raw onions contain sulfur, which is full of amino acids.To get the benefits of these foods, try eating six tablespoons of raw extra virgin coconut oil, one whole clove of garlic, and one large red onion daily. Other foods that should be part of your recipes are fresh jalapeno peppers and raw pumpkin seeds. Jalapenos are good for killing off intestinal parasites but can be hard to eat because they’re so spicy. Try chopping between one and three of these peppers up and mixing them in yogurt, and then swallow them without chewing.
[su_button url=”″ target=”blank” background=”#f1396d” size=”8″ center=”yes” radius=”round” rel=”nofollow”]Check Price on Amazon[/su_button][/su_column][/su_row]Alternatively, you can mix the pepper with another food, such as avocado or goat cheese, that has a high fat content, which will keep the peppers from burning you when you chew them. Raw pumpkin seeds have amino acid, which is believed to paralyze the parasites and cause them to lose their grip and get expelled from the body. You may find the taste of these cleanses to be rather strong, but the benefits will make it well worth it.
So if you find yourself with any symptoms of a parasitic infection, try these homemade parasite cleanse recipes.
The lauric acid coming from the amazing coconuts makes it a perfect candidate for a parasite recipe cleanse. This has been proven to kill species of tapeworms and ringworms that you’ll find beneficial for your cleansing journey.
Whether you choose to eat the meat/flesh or just drink the juice, you’re still sure to get some cleansing benefits from coconuts.
Get these foods incorporated in your daily diet and get rid of those pesky parasites that drain the life out of you.
Are you suffering from intestinal symptoms, joint pains, sinusitis, and some rashes? Have you had unexplained weight loss or fever? If so, you may be one of the fifty percent of Americans who are inflected with intestinal parasites. But never fear. There are plenty of natural parasite cleanse recipes that are safe and easy to use to get rid of those bugs.
Fresh jalapenos are a good ingredient. They are super effective for dealing with intestinal parasites but may be hard to take because they are so spicy. To be able to take advantage of this hot and spicy parasite cleansing recipe, try chopping the jalapenos up and mixing them with yogurt.
Then eat them without chewing to avoid the spicy sting. If you don’t want to eat them with yogurt, you can try the peppers with a food that has a high fat content, like avocado or goat cheese, and the peppers won’t burn when you chew them.
Another ingredient that you should be using in your recipe is raw pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds contain a rare amino acid called cucurbitin, which is believed to paralyze the worms and cause them to lose their grip on the intestinal walls and get expelled from the host body. All you’ve to do is eat the raw seeds like you would any snack food. Native Americans are known to have used pumpkin seeds effectively to cleanse the body of parasites.
Garlic is also known to rid the body of parasites. It has anti-bacterial properties as well as a normalizing effect on the colon. Garlic can treat many inflections in the gastric system.
For best results, eat an entire clove of garlic within fifteen minutes of crushing it open. Of course, not everyone likes garlic. It does have a strong taste. To get around that and use it in your recipes, mix it with water and honey. Crush one garlic clove, add eight ounces of water, and stir in one teaspoon of honey. Drink your garlic and honey mix once or twice a day.
Parasite cleanse recipes don’t have to be awful tasting. The next ingredient on our list is peppermint. That’s right. Peppermint seeds can be purchased at almost any garden supply store.
Besides leaving your mouth feeling clean and fresh, peppermint soothes upset stomachs and kills parasites. Menthol is the active ingredient in peppermint and is what makes it so powerful. Menthol has anti-bacterial properties that make it perfect for parasite cleansing recipes.
Black walnut is considered an optimal ingredient to use. For its parasite killing properties, you use the hull of the black walnut while it’s still green before it turns black. That’s when it has its power. The green hull contains organic iodine that is healing to the body.
The hull also contains antiseptic properties. You can buy a tincture version of the hull and add it to a liquid such as water. Or you can make your own tincture by soaking a half a cup of black walnut hulls in a cup of water for an hour. Strain the mixture and add two to three drops to an eight-ounce glass of water. A little goes a long way when it comes to this recipe.
If you’re really serious about getting rid of any parasites in your system (and really, why wouldn’t you be?), try this recipe. Holistic health coaches recommend a 3 to 21 day fast with a liquid diet. Fasting with fermented drinks are powerful tools to help destroy parasites.
Dairy products that are also fermented should be used in abundance. And there’s nothing better for your parasite cleanse recipes than fermented vegetables like kimchi and sauerkraut.
So if you think you’ve parasites, spice up your diet with these parasite cleansing recipes.
Violineta, I’m afraid you missed the whole point of NATURAL.
You are doing amazing work! Thanks for sharing your wonderful posts.I had some problems with parasites. 😮 It is often a waste of time to try and find eggs in stools as they are extremely difficult to detect. Best is just to treat with Albendazole or Mebendazole-Vermox (got it from “VERM2GET”, you can search on Google) ❤️ This helped me a lot! Albendazole and mebendazole (vermox) are broad spectrum antihelmintics and most likely to be effective.
My grandson was diagnosed with pinworm however what I saw looks more like a hook or round worm way bigger than pinworm. He was prescribed ivermectin I went to Walgreen’s and purchased Reese’s Pinworm treatment and I then started to see worms in my poop. I’ve also started taking the wormwood, clove and black walnut supplements I alsogo a bottle of the black walnut tincture. Im waiting on the pumkin seeds and dia earth stuff so I can do that too.It has only been a week since I’ve been treating and I’m a nervous wreck. I haven’t taken the second dose of the reese’s pinworm treatment yet I do next week then I was gonna wait another two weeks to take the ivermectin I got from my doctor. Should this clear me?