One easy-to-make homemade acne mask is a mashed papaya mask applied to a damp face. Papaya is an ingredient in many beauty products, and that’s not for nothing. Papaya has natural antibacterial properties that help cleanse your face of germs. It also removes dead skin and oils as well as being a natural anti-inflammatory agent. So not only are papayas delicious, but they’re also useful.
To make the mask, you don’t need anything but a ripe papaya, a bowl, and something to mash the papaya with, such as a fork. Remove the skin and seeds from the papaya and mash the flesh up with a fork until it becomes a smooth paste. Wash your face and pat it dry. Smooth the paste onto your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water. If your face gets dry, use a moisturizer appropriate to your skin type.
Another good acne mask calls for you to whip up some egg whites. Egg whites are a good agent for not only keeping your skin clear of acne but also for fading unfortunate acne scars. Egg whites make an excellent mask because they’re full of vitamins and proteins and because they soak up oil, which those nasty germs feed on. To make an egg white mask, separate two or three egg whites from the yolks. (Feel free to fry up those egg yolks and have them with some toast; waste not, want not.)
Pour the egg whites into a bowl and whip them up with a fork or whisk until they are frothy and set them aside to sit for a few minutes. While the eggs sit, wash your face and pat it dry. Cover your face with the egg mixture, focusing on problem areas. Layer the mask. Apply one layer, let it dry, and then apply another. Three to four layers is usually enough. Let the mask dry for about twenty minutes before rinsing it off and patting your face dry. Since egg white can dry out the skin, use a moisturizer afterward.
You can also use milk or yogurt and honey. Some people think dairy products cause breakouts. This is because milk has hormones in it, but the effect of dairy to cause breakouts seems to be limited to ingesting the dairy product. Applied topically, milk actually improves breakouts and evens skin tone. Milk in a homemade acne mask reduces redness and soothes irritated skin. If you need more convincing, consider this: Cleopatra swore by the milk baths she took, and she had a beauty that started wars.
To make the mask, mix a tablespoon of raw natural honey with either yogurt or milk. The yogurt can be full fat or low fat, but the milk should be anything but skim milk. Let the milk or yogurt come up to room temperature so you don’t get a chilly shock when you put in on, and then add in the honey.
Apply the mixture with a cotton pad or your fingers. Apply the mask in layers. Let one layer dry before adding another until the mask reaches a thickness you like. Allow the mask to sit for 10-15 minutes before washing it off with warm water. Use a washcloth to gently scrub in little circles to get rid of any loose skin. Moisturize as usual afterward.
These three homemade acne masks are simple and use items that you probably have in your kitchen right now as ingredients. Do yourself a favor and take care of your skin. If you do, it’ll take care of you right back.
DIY Acne Masks
The sad truth is that not everyone can afford to run to their dermatologist or their local spa to get the acne woes resolved. These options can cause some serious damage to your budget and even your skin.
But if you’re up for remedies that will surely help get rid of that pesky forehead acne you’ve been wanting to lose, then the good news is you can certainly make up your own acne treatment without breaking the bank. So save up for other important things and try these amazing DIY masks that will get rid of your forehead acne.
Honey + Cinnamon Mask
For hundreds of years, honey has been used in so many ways to improve man’s condition. If you’re plagued by acne breakouts and would like to know how to get rid of forehead acne, honey can cure that. As a natural antibiotic, honey is a great option to remove the bacteria that causes acne breakouts. Cinnamon also has antimicrobial properties that will ward off bacteria. Together, these two make up a powerful anti-acne mask.
All you need to do is mix two tablespoons of honey with a teaspoon of cinnamon. Apply the mask all over your acne-affected forehead. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes while pressing your fingers on your forehead and quickly pulling them up. This trick will help pull out the bacteria that may have gotten stuck in your pores. Finally, rinse off with warm water.
Aloe Vera Mask
When all you’ve is that little aloe plant sitting in your garden, then that should do some good to your acne-prone skin. While aloe vera may be mixed with other elements to cure acne issues, it can also be very effective on its own. Aloe has a soothing effect on your raging acne.
It also contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help get rid of your forehead acne. Wash your face and pat it dry. Apply aloe gel directly onto your acne-affected forehead. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and let the aloe elements cleanse and soothe the swelling and redness brought about by your acne. Rinse off with warm water.
Turmeric + Milk + Honey Mask
Turmeric is known for its healing and antibacterial properties that will work wonders on your acne. Milk, on the other hand, does a ton of good to your skin (which is something a lot of women swear by). And then of course you’ve that amazing piece of work that we need to thank the bees for – honey. Combined together, these elements create a great face mask that can effectively get rid of your forehead acne.
In a bowl, mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a teaspoon of honey. Add two teaspoons of raw milk and mix together until they form a paste. Apply the mask onto your face or the affected area and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Now don’t panic if you see a faint yellow stain on your face after. You can easily get rid of it by rubbing a milk-soaked cotton ball on the stained area, and that should do it.
Now these DIY masks can certainly do their job at taking care of your skin and getting rid of your forehead acne. What’s left for you to do is be patient and stay committed to the routine, as applications of these DIY masks will require several weeks before you can really feel and see the difference. Remember, this should not replace your regular skin care routine. When done right, you’ve nothing but acne to lose!
Homemade Acne Masks: Nature Has The Answer!
If you’re having problems with your skin, you’re probably thinking about giving in and shelling out big bucks for some chemical-based mask to clear up your face.Well, think again. You don’t need expensive and harsh chemicals to clear your face. Natural and homemade acne masks work just as well and don’t use chemicals or cost an arm and a leg. After all, who wants to give up limbs for clearer skin? Try out these plant-based acne masks and see yourself in clearer skin.
One mask that’s good for clearing up skin is an orange peel mask. Oranges are a natural astringent that shrink pores and minimize their appearance. The citric acid in oranges help clear skin of germs and dead skin cells that clog pores, while the vitamin C promotes the growth of healthy new cells. You’re going to love having unclogged pores once again!
To make the mask out of orange peels, you’ll need two orange peels and some clean fresh water. Grind or pound the orange peels. You can use whatever method you like best for this, be it a blender, a mortar and pestle, or whatever else you like for the job.
Once the orange peels are ground up, add a little water to make a paste. Make sure to add the water a little at a time because too much water can make your mask runny. Once you’ve the right consistency, apply the mask to your face. You can cover your whole face, or just focus on the problem areas. Leave the mask on for 20-25 minutes. Ideally, the mask should be firm at the end of the time, but it can work if it’s not. Rinse the mask off with water and pat your face dry before applying a moisturizer.
Another good acne mask is made from tea tree oil. Now I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that oil, which is clogging up your pores and feeding the acne-causing bacteria, is the problem, so why would you want to add more oil? But wait! Tea tree oil isn’t like the oil already on your skin. It’s more like a solvent that cuts through the extra sebum and dead skin cells, clearing pores. It also has an antibacterial element so those little, nasty, acne-causing germs don’t stand a chance.
A word to the wise, tea tree oil is good for an acne mask but should never be ingested and should always be diluted with water before use. To make the mask, dilute the oil with one part oil and nine parts water. Mix the solution and apply the mixture to problem areas.
If you decide to make your solution a bit stronger, you can slowly add more oil and less water. But make sure you go slowly. Add one more part oil for each week you use the product until it reaches the desired strength. But remember, you should always add at least some water into the tea tree oil. If you’ve sensitive skin, try mixing the oil with aloe vera gel instead of water.
You can also make a homemade acne mask with strawberries and honey. Strawberries may be delicious, but they’re also full of salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is an ingredient in many harsh chemical acne cleansers. It helps the skin shed cells more rapidly, opening up pores and neutralizing bacteria, as well as shrinking pores. Honey works against bacteria as well as works as an anti-inflammatory.
For this mask, you’ll need three fresh strawberries that are well washed and two teaspoons of honey. Wash your face with water and pat it dry before mashing the strawberries. Be careful not to over-mash the berries as this can make them somewhat runny. Add honey to thee strawberries and blend them together. Apply the mixture to your face and let it sit for twenty minutes. After the time is up, wash the mixture off your face with warm water and pat your face dry. Moisturize if your skin tends to dry out. Use about twice a week.
These three homemade acne masks are very effective in fighting pimples and acne. Not only are they effective, but they are also natural. There’s no need to burn your face with harsh chemical cleaners when a trip to the grocer’s can yield results worthy of expensive treatments. Homemade acne masks are not only better for you; they’re better for your wallet, so go natural and see yourself in clearer skin.
Acne can become one heck of a problem that absolutely destroys one’s self confidence. And no, I’m not exaggerating. Unfortunately, this is one sad truth that a lot of people, young and old, are plagued with. And although there are medications and chemical-filled treatments that promise to take all your acne worries away, this option may not be always practical or reasonable to everyone who has it.
The good news is that acne treatments don’t necessarily have to be those store-bought products that may even harm and worsen your skin condition. If you love your skin enough to be really careful about what you use, then I have some simple homemade acne masks that have been proven to be very simple, safe, and really effective. Oh, did I tell you they’re cheap, too? Yes, these masks won’t even put a dent on your savings. Here are some simple one-ingredient solutions to end your acne woes.
Banana peel
Love bananas? Well, good for you. If you don’t, then you should. Bananas are packed with nutrients that are beneficial to the body when eaten. But what a lot of people don’t know is that the banana peel can actually be used to cure and prevent acne. As a homemade acne mask, banana peel contains a powerful antioxidant called lutein. Lutein brings inflammation down a notch, calms the skin, and encourages healthy growth of your skin cells.
To use the banana peel, simply rub the white side of the banana peel onto your skin in a circular motion. Keep rubbing until all areas are covered. You can also pay special attention to those parts where you often breakout. When done, let it sit for about 30 minutes. This should be enough for your skin to absorb all the goodness from the banana peel. Rinse off with warm water and apply some moisturizer after.
Aloe vera
If you’ve never appreciated that little aloe plant you always see on someone else’s property, then you better start appreciating aloe vera today. Why? For centuries, aloe vera has been found really helpful for a lot of things – including making your skin look good. No wonder a lot of companies always take advantage of the little aloe plant and incorporate it in their beauty products. The gel found in the aloe plant contains a potent amount of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial for your acne mask.
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These properties work by calming your raging skin cells and decreasing all the swelling and redness brought about by acne. Moreover, the antibacterial properties found in the aloe gel target those bacteria that hide and dwell in your pores. To experience the magic of aloe, simply apply aloe gel directly onto the affected areas of your skin. Let it sit for about 20 minutes while the active properties do their job at soothing and rejuvenating your weary skin. Rinse off with warm water and pat your skin dry.
Lemon juice
Oh yes, the very famous lemons will surely keep your acne from coming back. We all know that lemons are full of Vitamin C, which is very good for the skin of any type. Vitamin C acts as exfoliant, astringent, and skin whitener. All these help reduce the swelling and inflammation on your skin while it promotes regeneration of brand new skin cells.
However, you must be warned that you need to avoid the sun when you’ve lemon juice on, as this can cause your skin to be a lot more sensitive than it usually is. So, just dab some lemon juice onto the acne-infested spots of your face. Make sure to cover all spots and let it sit for 20-30 minutes. With your acne soaked up in this Vitamin C-rich mask, you can definitely feel a great difference after several uses.
Acne can be painful and can make you really irritable. This mask made out of fresh mint leaves can certainly work as an effective pain reliever while it reduces the inflammation on your skin. While this may not directly cure and get rid of your acne troubles, this acne mask can still relieve you of any discomfort brought about by your breakouts.
Using a mortar and pestle, crush the fresh mint leaves until the juice comes out of it. Apply the crushed leaves on your skin and allow 10-15 minutes for the juice to seep into your aching pores. Rinse your face with cold water and pat it dry.
Who would have thought that your favorite potatoes can do some goodness to your ailing skin? Well, potatoes are packed with antioxidants, phosphorus, potassium, chloride, and sulfur – all of which are great ingredients of an excellent homemade acne mask. Potatoes can give you the kind of relief you need from your bothersome acne while it promotes regeneration of new cells that will make your skin look better than it used to.
Simply grate 1 raw potato and apply the pulp onto the affected area of your skin. Massage the pulp on your skin in a circular motion. Let it sit for 30 minutes or until it gets dry. Wash your face with warm water and apply moisturizer as needed.
Didn’t I say these are simple? There’s no adding or subtracting anything. No formula needed. Just one ingredient to help your skin heal and look better because you deserve to look beautiful without spending much.
A beautiful skin says a lot about you. This piece of truth may be a little hard to swallow, especially if you’ve been battling with acne-inhabited skin. But if you love your skin enough to scour the internet for some homemade acne masks that actually work, then I might have just the right solution for you.
Let’s get that beauty back to your skin and put an end to your acne misery. Read on to find some effective face masks that will make you say goodbye to those sad and horrible days.
Avocado Mask
If you’ve been suffering from acne and you’ve tried different acne treatments but failed miserably, avocado is a great option you can try. Other than it being natural, which makes it safe for anyone, avocado offers a great deal of Vitamins E and A, plus antibacterial elements that work great at cleansing, rejuvenating, and healing the skin. Avocado is indeed an amazing ingredient. Here are the things you need for your avocado acne mask:
Avocado, honey, and a bowl
To create a mask that targets those bacteria that have taken residence on your pores causing you to breakout, peel the avocado and cut it into pieces. Mash the avocado until it becomes a smooth paste. Add warm honey to the mashed avocado and mix it well. Apply the avocado onto your clean face. Make sure to focus on areas that are prone to acne and leave the mask on for about 20 minutes. A daily dose of this face mask can give your skin the time off you need from those dreadful acne days.
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Baking Soda Mask
Don’t you just love how baking soda comes up useful in so many ways? In this case, baking soda can also be the star for your acne mask. Yes, that incredible sodium bicarbonate is one useful ingredient that has antiseptic and exfoliating properties that are great for your acne troubles. What’s good about this homemade acne mask is that you only need baking soda and water to complete it and you’re good to go.
Simply mix equal parts of baking soda and water until you form a thick paste. When you’ve achieved the consistency you need for you to easily apply the mixture, go right ahead and slather a generous amount onto your fresh and clean face. For better results, massage the mixture onto your face in a circular motion. Continue doing so until all the areas that need to be treated are covered. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes or until the mask has dried up on your face. Rinse it off with warm water and moisturize as you normally would.
Strawberry Mask
Looking for a yummy treat to ease those raging pimples that always ruin your day? I got some good news for you. Another great ingredient is this sweet treat – strawberry. Combined with honey, this strawberry goodness makes a strong duo that’s going to make this face mask your favorite go-to mask for your acne problems.
Wonder what’s in strawberries that make them a great option for taking care of those pesky pimples? Two words – salicylic acid. Now I’m pretty sure you’ve heard or at least read about this ingredient from the thousands of bottles of facial cleansers and scrubs you’ve come across. Yes, strawberries are high in salicylic acid, which basically encourages growth of cells while cleansing your pores and getting rid of those bacteria.
For this mask, you’ll need the following:
3 pieces of fresh strawberries
Create this face mask by washing the strawberries first and then mashing them well after. Don’t blend the strawberries to avoid getting a really runny result. Add about 2 tablespoons of honey and mix them together properly. When ready, apply the mixture onto a clean and dry face. Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse off with warm water. Don’t forget to moisturize after application. It’s recommended that this mask be used twice a week for an entire month for you to see a very desirable effect.
You don’t have to spend so much for your skin to look beautiful. Try any of these amazing remedies and you’ll never regret it.
Kitchen Dreams: Acne Masks Straight From Your Refrigerator
f you suffer with pimples or acne, you’re probably planning a trip to the doctor’s. But before you shell out the big bucks for chemical medication, try planning a trip to your kitchen. There are loads of natural, inexpensive home remedies for acne that’s right in your kitchen cabinets and refrigerator. So delay that trip to the dermatologist for now and slather on some homemade acne masks.
One great acne mask that’s sure to work wonders on pimples is as simple as eating a banana for breakfast. Now it’s not the banana flesh that helps cure acne. That part is just delicious. It’s the peel you want. The peels of banana contain lutein, which gives the banana its bright yellow color. Lutein, as well as being a colorant, is also a powerful antioxidant that reduces swelling and inflammation.
Rubbing a banana peel on your face can reduce the redness, obviousness, and discomfort of acne. Just peel and eat the banana and rub the inside of the peel in a circular motion all over your face. After you’ve covered your entire face, let the mask sit for thirty minutes before washing it off with warm water and patting your face dry.
Aloe also makes a nice acne mask. It can be mixed with other things, such as tea tree oil, to fight acne, but it’s also a good agent on its own. The best way to get aloe gel is to grow the plant in your kitchen and use it directly from the source. But if you don’t have much of a green thumb, you can buy aloe gel at a store. Just make sure you do your homework. Pick a brand that has the least amount of the additives.
For this mask, you’ll only need enough aloe to cover your problem areas. Wash your face with water and pat it dry. Using your fingers or a Q-tip, apply the aloe directly to your problem areas. Let it sit overnight and wash your face in the morning.
Another great acne mask is made with sodium bicarbonate. That may sound like an expensive and rare chemical, but chances are you probably have it all over your house. It’s in your toothpaste. It’s in your laundry soap. It’s in your cat litter. It’s baking soda.
Yes, plain old baking soda can work wonders. It’s a mild antiseptic, fights off fungus and bacteria, and dries up excess oil. It also exfoliates your skin, leaving it soft and smooth. For this mask, you’ll need baking soda and some fresh water. There are two ways to go about using baking soda as an acne mask, a mask, or a facial scrub.
To make a mask, mix equal parts baking soda and water in a bowl to form a thick paste. Slather the paste into your face, massaging it in for about two minutes before leaving it on for 15-20 minutes. After the time is up, wash off the mask with warm water, pat your face dry, and moisturize. To make a scrub, mix half a cup of baking soda with one-eighth cup of water. Massage the paste into the skin of your face for five to six minutes before rinsing your face with warm water, patting it dry, and moisturizing.
If you’ve some lemon handy for tea or lemonade, you’ve got the makings of another acne face mask. Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, which promotes the growth of new healthy cells and citric acid, which helps exfoliate the skin. Most importantly, the lemon juice acts as an astringent, which causes the contraction of skin and therefore will dry out any blemishes. Lemon also whitens skin and will reduce the redness of acne.
But be warned: rinse off lemon juice before going out into the sun, as it can make you more sensitive to it. For this mask, rinse your face with water and pat it dry. Dab your fingertips, a cotton ball, or a Q-tip in lemon juice and apply to pimple. If it stings too much for you, try mixing it with a bit of plain yogurt.
A trip to your kitchen and homemade acne face masks are a great way to save yourself the time, money, and hassle of going to the dermatologist.
Acne Masks Straight from your Kitchen
Are you taking a beating from your regular dose of acne nightmares? You’re not alone. In fact, this is one of the many problems common to both teenagers and adults alike. Unfortunately, acne doesn’t choose its victims – so regardless of age, sex, or skin color, you can be one of those who are haunted by this skin disease. And while the advanced technology may have come up with endless options and medications for treating acne, chances are any of these options may just be too expensive for a lot of people.
So what do you do if breaking your bank account just isn’t one of your options? Here’s what you can do: run to your kitchen! You probably just raised your eyebrow when you read that. But you read it right. Your solution to your acne problems may just be sitting around your kitchen. If you’re up for some recipes that you can whip up to create an acne mask, then you’re on the right page and you can start bracing yourself for some masks that are sure to help you wake up from those terrible skin nightmares. Are you ready?
Got some eggs?
I’m pretty sure eggs are commonly found in most kitchens. While these maybe great for your daily breakfast, egg whites can also be a great ingredient for your acne mask. “How?” you might ask. Well, egg whites are full of vitamins and proteinsthat are great for combating acne and rejuvenating your skin cells. To get started with your mask made out of egg whites, here are the things you need to prepare:
3 egg whites
In a bowl, whisk the egg whites until they are all light and frothy. Set aside for a few minutes. In the mean time, wash your face and pat it dry. Apply the whisked egg whites onto your face, making use of your fingertips. Cover all parts of your face and neck and focus on the parts that are prone to acne. Let the fist application dry, and then you can go ahead and apply some more until you’ve everything covered. Use every drop of the egg whites if you must; just remember to let it dry on the skin first before you apply another coating. Let this egg white mask sit on your face for about 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and pat your face dry with a washcloth. This should give your skin a good dose of protein and other vitamins it needs to heal and poof that acne away.
Got some garlic?
We all know that garlic is one of the regulars in anyone’s kitchen. But the wonders of garlic don’t stop at bringing those beautiful flavors to your daily menu. Garlic can be a great ingredient, too! Whether applied topically or ingested, garlic can actually help cure and prevent acne or your breakouts.
Now I understand that not all people might be fans of the smell coming from garlic, but if you’re one who really wants to put an end to your acne misery, then you’ll just have to endure the smell and look forward to a fresh, clean face. For this mask, all you need are the following:
3 cloves of garlic
Cotton pad
This mask is very simple to do. Just mash up 3 cloves of garlic and soak them in water for about 10 minutes. Dip your cotton pad into your garlic mixture and apply it onto areas of your face that are affected by acne. Let the mixture dry on your face. After 20 minutes or so, rinse off with warm water. Repeat this for several days and allow the garlic to do its job of getting those bacteria off your skin.
Got some vinegar?
Looking for a powerhouse ingredient for your acne mask? Then the apple cider vinegar you’ve in your kitchen cabinet is just what you’re looking for. Apple cider vinegar is a potent antibacterial agent that can kill all the bacteria that dwell on your skin causing you to breakout. This antibacterial property plus its ability to balance the PH level of your skin can do a whole lot of good to your ailing skin. To create a powerful and effective mask, you need the following:
Apple cider vinegar (unfiltered)
Cotton pad
Dilute 1 part of vinegar in 3 parts of water. Using your cotton pad, soak it in the vinegar mixture and apply it onto your skin. Leave it on for 20 minutes or until it’s dry. Rinse well after application. You may repeat this several times a day as desired.
All these three amazing homemade acne masks are proven safe and effective and will definitely give those medications a run for their money. To maximize the effects of these acne masks, make sure to apply a moisturizer.